A public-private partnership between ARPA-H and VentureWell in support of the ARPANET-H nationwide health innovation network. Website is maintained by VentureWell staff.

Investor Catalyst Hub FAQ

Application Questions

What types of organizations are eligible to be spokes of the ARPANET-H Investor Catalyst Hub?

Spoke eligibility is open to any company, fund, institution of higher education, or nonprofit organization that aligns with the mission of ARPA-H and has capabilities related to delivering transformational health solutions for all. There is no cost to becoming a spoke. You can find more information about applying to become a spoke on the Spoke Network web page.

What are the benefits of becoming a spoke?

Spoke membership offers a variety of potential benefits, including eligibility for R&D funding, engagement with ARPA-H leaders, networking with fellow spokes, amplifying your events and offerings, and learning opportunities related to health innovation. Find more information about the benefits available to members on the Spoke Network web page.

What does the registration and selection process for becoming a spoke entail?

To become a spoke, each organization must submit an application that can be found on the Spoke Network web page. An organization will be considered for membership of the Investor Catalyst Hub if they (1) agree to the Consortium Management Agreement, (2) have relevant interests in ARPA-H programs/activities, and (3) could reasonably participate in Investor Catalyst Hub and ARPA-H activities. ARPA-H must approve all members.

Hub Questions

How does this hub differ from the other hubs?

Based in the Greater Boston area (Cambridge, Massachusetts), the Investor Catalyst (IC) Hub is uniquely positioned to focus on navigating the complexities of the market landscape to develop solutions that can be commercialized. The IC Hub applies a commercial lens to help program performers and innovators create robust business models, test them in the marketplace, navigate regulatory pathways, and connect with investors.

The Customer Experience (CX) Hub is based in Dallas, Texas. The CX Hub is focused on the patient, provider, and community experience for faster and broader adoption of ARPA-H health innovations. This hub applies a human-centered approach to design desirable products and services; engages diverse, representative populations across ethnicity, region, and other dimensions; and connects technical experts, community leaders, and laboratories or other organizations with specialized capabilities.

The Stakeholders & Operations Hub, based in Washington, D.C., coordinates with federal partners and manages ARPA-H’s operations.

Learn more about ARPANET-H.

Are ARPA-H programs associated with a specific hub? Or are they completely separate?

The ARPANET-H network—including both technical hubs (Investor Catalyst Hub and Customer Experience Hub) and all of their member spokes—serves as a resource to ARPA-H programs to help inform program development and outcomes. Programs may use the network as needed to draw on the expertise of spokes to aid in bringing their innovations to market. Certain programs may be associated with one hub to capitalize on the expertise of the hub and its members.

Membership Questions

Is spoke membership tied to a specific program in a hub (Investor Catalyst Hub or Customer Experience Hub)?

No, spoke membership is not tied to a specific ARPA-H program. Membership in either or both hubs gives spokes access to events, funding opportunities, communications, and other resources the hub(s) offers as they are announced and executed over time.

Can or should there be more than one spoke from a larger institution or university system?

Depending on the size and communication process within a university system, prospective spokes may choose to apply as the overarching university system or individually as schools or departments. The benefit to applying as an individual school or department might be the ability to list more specialized skill sets and name a key point of contact for each school/department that could engage with the IC Hub. If applying as a university system, list all relevant capabilities related to ARPA-H so that all areas of expertise are captured for targeted engagement when applicable.

Can entrepreneurs apply in an individual capacity?

Only organizations may join ARPANET-H as spokes. Entrepreneurs may apply to join on behalf of their company, but personal LLCs may be rejected if they cannot be sufficiently verified as a legitimate business capable of meaningfully engaging in ARPANET-H. Individuals are welcome to participate in certain ARPANET-H activities (such as responding to Network Surveys). They can also sign up for the ARPA-H Vitals newsletter to stay informed of developments and opportunities. Note: This does not preclude startups, which are encouraged to apply to be spoke members of ARPANET-H.

How does ARPA-H select spokes? How long will it take to hear back about the status of our application?

Potential spokes submit applications through the Investor Catalyst Hub website. The hub performs an initial vetting of the applicant, including a review of organizational legitimacy and relevance to the hub objectives, and ARPA-H provides final approval. Consideration for spoke membership will be given to all companies and organizations that (1) meet the membership obligation criteria outlined in the Consortium Membership Agreement, which can be found on each hub’s website, (2) have relevant interests in ARPA-H programs/activities, and (3) could reasonably participate in hub and ARPA-H activities.

We aim to vet spokes as quickly as possible, but the exact response time varies depending on the volume of applications at any one time.

Our application was rejected. Can we resubmit?

You may reach out to investorcatalyst@venturewell.org to discuss the rejection of your application.

Does being a spoke member conflict with being a member of other Health and Human Services (HHS) hubs, such as the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program?

No, there is no conflict with membership in the ARPANET-H hubs relative to other hubs and consortia.

Can our organization be involved with the other hub(s) and still be eligible to be a spoke?

Yes, an organization may be involved with either or both ARPANET-H hubs (Investor Catalyst Hub and Customer Experience Hub).

How long does membership last?

Spoke membership does not expire and is assessed on an ongoing basis. If needed, spokes may be asked to sign updated Consortium Membership Agreements with updated terms.

What areas and health topics is ARPA-H specifically interested in?

ARPA-H is interested in health innovations across all health sectors. You can learn more by visiting the ARPA-H website and subscribing to the ARPA-H Vitals newsletter to stay informed of developments and opportunities.

Our organization is very small and local. Can we still be considered for membership?

We welcome applications from smaller organizations, including for-profits and nonprofits, startups, small businesses, etc.

How many spokes can be in one city or state? Is there a limit?

There is no limit to the number of spokes in a city or state.

Is there an application deadline?

No, applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Engagement Questions

How do we describe our affiliation with ARPA-H once we are accepted?

Once accepted, members will receive a Spoke Announcement Press Kit with language and templates for social media and press release announcements. We encourage you to use these templates to share the news of your selection. Spokes are not permitted to use the ARPA-H logo on any announcement materials or other internal or external communication.

We were accepted as a spoke. When can we start working with ARPA-H? Can we pitch new programs?

You can review the ARPANET-H website and the Investor Catalyst Hub website to get an idea of the capabilities and mission of the Investor Catalyst network. You can also sign up to receive newsletters, which will keep you informed about the network and forthcoming engagement opportunities (Investor Catalyst Hub newsletter; ARPA-H Vitals newsletter). Also, you can view the Investor Catalyst Hub’s Events page and Opportunities page to stay informed and learn more about current offerings. ARPA-H Program Managers and other leadership may also reach out to spokes based on your profile in the Member Portal.

Here are a few ARPA-H funding and engagement avenues to look into:

  • Read about ARPA-H programs to learn if your ideas align.
  • Explore the ARPA-H research model and apply to become a Program Manager to propose your new ideas.
  • If interested in pursuing ARPA-H funding for research aiming to improve health outcomes across patient populations, communities, diseases, and health conditions that do not align with an existing ARPA-H program, you can apply for an agency-wide Mission Office-specific Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO).
  • ARPA-H also provides funding for research proposals from small businesses. See here for more information and updates.

What kind of access do we have to the other spokes in this network?

Members can find other spokes in the network through their access to the Member Portal, which provides information about other spokes, including contact information for their designated point of contact (POC) and a brief description of their interest in ARPANET-H and their capabilities. There will also be opportunities to meet other spokes at virtual and in-person events and meetups. If collaboration opportunities are identified, the hubs may also introduce spokes to each other.

Will there be a conference for us to convene regularly?

The hubs will host various events to engage the spoke network throughout the year. These include monthly virtual meetings, in-person events, listening sessions, and conference meetups. There will also be events specific to ARPA-H programs that spokes will be invited to attend.

You can view each hub’s Events page and sign up for the hub’s newsletter to stay informed and learn more about current offerings.

Funding Questions

Do you need to be a spoke to apply for an ARPANET-H issued R&D funding opportunity?

Spokes and other organizations can compete for funding awards issued through ARPANET-H, but spoke membership is required to receive an award. ARPANET-H R&D funding opportunities are issued through the Investor Catalyst Hub or Customer Experience Hub. A competitive review process will be used to select performers. Spoke membership is not required to receive an award for ARPA-H opportunities issued outside of the Investor Catalyst Hub or Customer Experience Hub.

Will this be non-dilutive funding?

Funding is non-dilutive. ARPA-H will not take equity in any company.

ARPA-H Questions

For questions related to ARPA-H and not specific to the ARPANET-H innovation network, please refer to the ARPA-H FAQs and ARPA-H General Programs FAQs.